This document describes how to install milter managerrelated softwares to Debian GNU/Linux. See Install to Debian for milter manager installinformation and Install for general installinformation.
milter-manager-log-analyzer is already installed because itis included in milter manager's package. We will configureWeb server to browse graphs generated bymilter-manager-log-analyzer.
There are two ways to view generated graphs; (1) view themvia a Web server at the same host and (2) view them viaMunin (and a Webserver) at other host. If we already have Munin orexclusive system monitoring server, Munin is a betterway. Otherwise, a Web server at the same host is a betterway. FIXME
First, a way that a Web server in the same host will beexplained, then a way that using Munin will be explained.
We use Apache as Web server.
% sudo apt -y install apache2
milter-manager-log-analyzer generates graphs intomilter-manager user's homedirectory. (/var/lib/milter-manager/) We configure Webserver to publish them athttp://localhost/milter-manager-log/.
% sudo -u milter-manager mkdir -p ~milter-manager/public_html/log
We put /etc/apache2/conf.d/milter-manager-log with thefollowing content:
Alias /milter-manager-log/ /var/lib/milter-manager/public_html/log/
We need to reload configuration after editing:
% sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload
Now, we can see graphs at http://localhost/milter-manager-log/.
Next way is using Munin at other host.
We install milter-manager-munin-plugins package thatprovides statistics data collected bymilter-manager-log-analyzer to Munin:
% sudo apt -y install milter-manager-munin-plugins
NOTE: We need to use databases created bymilter-manager-log-analyzer bundled with milter manager1.5.0 or later to provide statistics data to Munin. If wehave databases that are created by oldermilter-manager-log-analyzer, we need to remove~milter-manager/public_html/log/. If we remove thedirectory, milter-manager-log-analyzer re-creates statisticsdatabases 5 minutes later.
Munin-node should accept accesses from Munin server. IfMunin server is, we need to append thefollowing lines to /etc/munin/munin-node.conf:
allow ^192\.168\.1\.254$
We need to restart munin-node to apply our configuration:
% sudo /usr/sbin/service munin-node restart
Works in this section at system monitor server. We assumethat system monitor server works on Debian GNU/Linux.
First, we install munin and Apache:
monitoring-server% sudo apt -y install munin apache2
We add our mail server that works munin-node to munin'smonitor target. We assume that mail server has the followingconfiguration:
We need to add the following lines to /etc/munin/munin.confto add the mail server:
[] address use_node_name yes
We will be able to view graphs athttp://monitoring-server/munin/ 5 minutes later.
We can confirm milter's effect visually bymilter-manager-log-analyzer. If we use Postfix as MTA, wecan compare withMailgraph's graphsto confirm milter's effect. We can use graphs generated bymilter-manager-log-analyzer effectively when we are tryingout a milter.